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Minor Gods

ALEXIARES and ANICETUS - Brothers. Gods of Youth and Sports. Sons of Heracles and Hebe.

HECATE - Goddess of Witchcraft, Doorways and Crossways. One of the eldest goddesses.

IRIS - Goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of the Olympian gods. Iris was often represented
           as the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera.

MORPHEUS - God of Sleep and Dreams.

EURUS - God of the East Wind. Eurus was not well liked as he was thought to be responsible
                  for rain and drizzle.

NIKE - Goddess of Victory and Triumph, Enforcer of Olympus, Divine Charioteer. Also known as the Winged
            Goddess of Victory.

NEMESIS - Goddess of Revenge, Retribution and Fate. Kept balance and justice in the world,
                     ensuring that no one is too good or bad. 

PHOBOS - God of Panic and Fear. Often accompanied Ares into battle.

DEIMOS - God of Terror and Dread. Often accompanied Ares into battle. 

HEBE - Goddess of Youth. Was the cupbearer of ambrosia and nectar to the gods. Married to Heracles. 

THE MUSES - The nine goddesses of literature and the arts. Ofter portrayed singing or reciting poetry. Their names were:

                          CALLIOPE - Epic Poetry

                          CLIO - History

                          ERATO - Lyric Poetry

                          EUTERPE - Music

                          MELPOMENE - Tragedy

                          POLYHYMNIA - Choral Poetry

                          TERPSICHORE - Dance

                          THALIA - Comedy

                          URANIA - Astronomy

ERIS - Goddess of Discord and Strife.

HARMONIA - Goddess of Harmony.

NYMPHS (Naiads, etc.) - Minor deities associated with a particular
                                            landform, body of water or plant. They are
                                            not exactly gods, but are embodiments of
                                            nature, created by Gaia herself. 

EROS - God of Love, Procreation and Sexual Desire. He is either a son
              of Aphrodite, making him a minor god, or a child of Chaos,
              making him a primordial god.

TYCHE - Goddess of Luck, Fortune and Chance. 

HYPHNOS - God of Sleep. Twin brother of Thanatos, God of Death.

PERSEPHONE - Goddess of Springtime, Queen of the Underworld.

ASCLEPIUS - God of Medicine and Healing.

PAN - God of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.

THANATOS - God of Death. Son of Nyx and Erebus and twin of Hypnos.

AEOLUS - God of air and the winds.

AMPHITRITE - A sea goddess who became the wife of Poseidon and symbolises the sea.

EOS - The eternally young goddess of the dawn.

SELENE - Personification of the moon.

DIKE - Existing only in the Underworld realm, Dike was the goddess of justice through retribution.

KERES - Goddess of destruction, violent death and vengeance.




Mosiac with the 'Mask of Phobos'.

Face of Deimos depicted on shield.

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