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Statue of Artemis with her arrows and her deer.

Artemis  (Pronounced: ahr-tuh-mis)




Family:   Daughter of: Zeus and Leto


                     Siblings: Apollo, her twin.


                   Mother of: (Sworn Virgin)




Status: One of the Twelve Olympian Gods.


Title: Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness, Wild Animals, Childbirth,           Fertility and the Moon.


Weapon of Choice: Silver Bow and Arrows.


Symbols of Artemis: Bow - Represents she is a huntress.

                                     Pike - Represents her love of nature.

                                     Crescent Moon - Represents the Goddess of                                      the Moon.


Sacred Animal(s): Snake - Represents fertility.

                                Deer - Represents the powers in nature that                                     are not easily subdued.

                                Wolf - Represents cunning and family.


Places of Worship: The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus is one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. It was originally built around 550 B.C.E and only part of its foundation remains. It had been rebuilt three times before it's eventual destruction in 401 A.C.E.


Roman Counterpart: Diana


Special Features: Artemis is one of the three virgin goddess of Mount Olympus and therefor has never had any children. 

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