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Heracles is often shown wearing the skin of the Nemean Lion which he slayed. 

Heracles (Pronounced: heh-ra-cleez)




Family:     Son of: Zeus and Alcmene




             Father of: Alexiares










               Consort: Heracles had three wives. He first married Megara                                    but killed her and their three children in a fit of                                          insanity brought on by Hera. He then married the                                      Princess Deianira. She eventually ended up                                              unintentionaly killing Heracles. After he died and                                      became a god, he married the goddess Hebe.


Status: Heracles was a demigod for all of his life but when he died he went up to Olympus and became a god. 


Weapon of Choice: His extraoridinary strength.


Well-Known Quests/Accomplishments: Heracles is most famous for his 12 Labours. To redeem himself for killing his first wife, Heracles was instructed by Hera to let the King Eurystbeus give him 12 tasks to complete.


Roman Name: Hercules






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