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Achilles lying on the ground with the killing arrow in his heel, causing that part of the leg to be known as the 'Achilles Heel'.

Achilles (Pronounced: uh-kill-ease)




Family:     Son of: Thetis and Peleus




             Father of: Neoptolemus



               Consort: There are many different versions of who was                                          Achilles wife in Greek Myths. Possible wives could                                    be Briseis, Medea or Deidamea. 


Status: Demigod


Weapon of Choice: His spear, which was unusually large for a                                                  warrior to wield.


Well-Known Quests/Accomplishments: Achilles is famous for being dipped in the River Styx as a baby by his mother Thetis, a river nymph, to make him invincible. Achilles became a great warrior, specifically in the Trojan War. 






Achilles wearing his traditional armour.

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