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Hades with his three-headed guard dog, Cerberus.

Hades (Pronounced: hey-dees)




Family:     Son of: Cronus and Rhea


               Siblings: Zeus





             Father of: Macaria




               Consort: Peresphone






Status: Hades is not considered one of the main 12 Olympian   Gods as he lives in the underworld and does not have a seat on Olympus. Although, Hades is one of the most powerful Gods and is therefore not considered a minor God either.


Title: King of the Underworld, God of the Dead and the Unseen             One.


Weapon of Choice: His Helment of Invisibility and his Two-                                                Pronged Scepter.


Symbols of Hades: Scepter- Represents his power and                                                    dominance.

                                   Cypress - The Tree of Mourning is sacred to                                     Hades.

                                   Narcissus (flower) - Represents lust when                                       Hades seeks Persephone.


Sacred Animal(s): Cerberus - The three heads of Cerberus                                            represent the past, present and future. 


Places of Worship: 


Roman Counterpart: Pluto

Persephone attempting to escape from Hades.

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