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Statue of Aphrodite.

Aphrodite (Pronounced: aph-ro-dye-tee)




Family:   Daughter of: Some myths believe Aphrodite was the                                            daughter of Zeus and Dione. Most                                                      commonly, it is believed that Aphrodite                                              was born of the foam in the sea when                                              Cronus threw in his dead father's                                                      genitals.




                   Mother of: Deimos


                     Consort: Hephaestus

Status: One of the Twelve Olympian Gods.


Title: Goddess of Love, Joy, Beauty, Procreation and Eternal              Youth.


Weapon of Choice: Her Magic Girdle, which makes anyone                                             who wears it irresistible to any god,                                                   goddess or mortal.


Symbols of Aphrodite: Seashells - Represents (one version                                                  of) Aphrodite's birth.

                                         Mirrors - Represent the vanity and                                                      beauty of Aphrodite.

                                         Rose - Represents immortal love or                                                    union that will never fade.


Sacred Animal(s): Swan - Represents beauty.

                                Dove - Represents peace and love.


Places of Worship: Aphrodite doesn't have one particularly famous temple but her main places of worship  in Greece were the islands of Cyprus and Cythera. At Cnidus in Caria she had three temples, one of which contains a very renowned statue of Aphrodite.


Roman Counterpart: Venus

Part of a famous painting of Aphrodite.

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