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Greek God Test


Answer the following questions to discover which Greek God or Goddess you would be. 


What answer comes closer to telling how you usually feel or act?


Please indicate your answer by placing a tick next to your choice:


  1. Are you:

             (1)  easy to get to know OR

             (2)  hard to get to know?


  2.  Do you prefer to:

              (1)  plan ahead OR

              (2)  go with the flow?


  3.  If you get mad at someone do you usually

              (1)  yell at them straight away OR

              (2)  silently plot your revenge OR

              (3)  forgive and forget?


  4.  Do you prefer to

              (1)  break things apart, OR

              (2)  build things OR

              (3)  do anything as long as you’re payed?


  5.  Would you rather be considered

              (1)  a practical person OR

              (2)  a thinking person?


  6.  In a large group, do you more often

              (1)  take the leadership role OR

              (2)  follow others?


  7.  What appeals to you more

             (1)  a quiet life OR

             (2)  a life of action and adventure, OR

             (3)  anything that means I’m alone


  8.  Would you prefer to carry a

             (1)  weapon OR

             (2)  book OR

             (3)  mirror?


  9.  Would you rather do a job

             (1) that is about learning and knowledge OR

             (2) that is practical work everyday?



Greek God Test

Scoring Sheet


Add together your score for each question to discover the God or Goddess you would be if you lived in Ancient Greece.










Descriptions of Gods / Goddesses below:



If you are Zeus, it means you are definitely a leader. You like to be honest and you believe that offense is the best defense. You like to look after to others and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you believe in.



If you’re Artemis, then you are very independent. You don’t need anyone to look after you and are fine with spending time by yourself. Most of the time you are calm, but if someone annoys you, you can have a fierce temper.



If you’re Hades, you must definitely like your own space. You’re fine with just yourself as company but can hold a grudge for a long time. You don’t need to always be a leader but you would be able to rule your kingdom of the dead just fine.



Hera is one goddess you don’t want to go up against. With a legendary temper, Hera is not afraid to give out punishments as she sees fit. If you’re Hera, you don’t always need to be a leader, but if someone tells you what to do, they won’t know what’s hit them.



If you’re Athena, then enemies beware, because once you put your mind to something, there is very little that can stop you. You like to plan ahead and you’re not afraid to take matters into your own hands.



If you are Poseidon, then you really are as changeable as the tide. This God of Earthquakes can be furious one minute, but then calm the next. You are very protective of your own and anyone who messes with your friends, messes with you.



Ares is not someone to start a fight with. If you’re Ares, then you always throw everything you got, into anything you’re doing. You don’t feel the need to plan ahead, but take anything that life throws at you and throw it right back.



If you’re Hephaestus, then you are the perfect combination of thinking and doing. The God of Metalworking is an extremely intelligent inventor and can create just about anything with a slab of metal and some nails. You’re happy to hang out by yourself and don’t need anyone else to keep you interested.



If you’re Hermes, then you are fiercely loyal to your friends. You have always got their back and would do almost anything for them. You can do anything you put your mind to and you’re good at quick thinking on the spot.



This God of the Sun is the definition of confidence. If you’re Apollo, then you are not afraid to step up and take the leadership role, and sure, it doesn’t hurt to be in the spotlight every once and a while.

© 2014 by Angie Seymour.

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